Friday, January 22, 2010

Pictures from January 21 Rehearsal

 The mermaids and the sailors got down to some serious blocking and rehearsing on Thursday night as they started learning their lines.

 To the right Anemone and Clem worry that Zip Tide and Rip Tide may be lurking near as Bubbly looks on nervously.

 Sailors run their lines from the ship.
Jimmy, one of the tech, practices his ninja techique.                                                                             

Some of the tech crew was busy blowing up fish for the chorus.

 The mermaids practice their dancing (and posing) in the lobby.

 Prince Theodore and his first mate get ready to follow their fellow sailors into the sea.

Jordyn, Bridget, and Connor wait and watch from the auditorium. One of the best parts of being "part" of the theatre is the friends you make there!

 Everyone loves having Lilly around during rehearsals. She is real patient while everyone does their thing and while her mom does her directing. She doesn't even really (yawn!) get (yawn!) tired.



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